Do you want to know about the Joydebpur to Jessore train schedule? Here you will get all the information about the train time table and ticket price. Also, how you will buy the train ticket online. To buy a train ticket you need to know about the ticket prices and here you will know the prices. Read this article carefully and take your information. I think this article will help you.
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Joydebpur to Jessore route has an Intercity train named Sundarban Express (726). This train has many facilities like food zone, prayer zone, entertainment zone with high security. Have a look for the Joydebpur to Jessore Train Schedule at the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Sundarban Express (726) | Wednesday | 09:12 | 16:20 |
Joydebpur to Jessore train has many types of seats. The lowest ticket price 360 TK and highest ticket price 1285 TK. This train has many seats such as shuvon chair, Snigdha, AC Seat, AC Birth, etc. Have a look for Joydebpur to Jessore Train ticket price at the below chart.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 360 |
Shuvon Chair | 430 |
1st Seat | 570 |
1st Birth | 855 |
Snigdha | 715 |
AC Seat | 855 |
AC Birth | 1285 |
I think all the information given above will help you. We always try to give you the correct information by following the Bangladesh railway. This schedule seems helpful to you. If you want to know about anything else, please leave a comment.
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tnx for the information