Train Schedule

Joydebpur To Rajshahi Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Joydeppur to Rajshahi is about 226 KM distanced through the highway. There can be some differences in the distance from the train route. But the train can bring the best travel experience to you. So today we have the Joydebpur To Rajshahi train schedule and ticket price found on Bangladesh Railway official site.

Joydebpur To Rajshahi Train Schedule

There are 3 different trains are available for you in Joydebpur to Rajshahi route. They got different departure and arrival times. It may take up to 6- 8 hours to arrive Rajshahi from Joydepbur. These trains are intercity trains, got so many features for you.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Silkcity Express (753) Sunday 15:33 20:30
Padma Express (759) Tuesday 23:38 04:25
Dhumketue Express (769) Thursday 06:53 11:40

Joydebpur To Rajshahi Train Ticket Price

There are different types of seats for the Bangladesh Railway in trains. The price of train tickets of Bangladesh Railway is determined by distance and seats. The general seats for the train are Shovan, Shovan Chair, First Class Seat, First Class Chair, First Class Berth and the air-conditioned seats for the train are AC Birth, AC Seat, and Snigdha.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 310
Snigdha 520
AC Seat 620
AC Birth 930

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Online Train Ticket Booking For Joydebpur To Rajshahi

Buying tickets online isn’t so hard. If you want to book a train ticket online you can do it from the official railway site of our country. Check the below link for more:

Buy Tickets Online