Train Schedule

Feni To Nangalkot Train Schedule With Ticket Price

A journey by train is really very interesting and safer more than other vehicles. If you are also planning to travel from the Feni to Nangalkot by train, then stay with the page till the last because the article will help you to find any train schedules information on the route. So, no more delay, let’s go to collect the information.

Feni To Nangalkot Intercity Train Schedule

Nangalkot is a part of the Comilla district. The distance from Feni to Nangalkot is almost 28 km on the train route and there have available a total of 3 trains, namely, Paharika Express (719), Mahanagar Express (721), Meghna Express (729). The Meghna Express runs daily and the others also run regularly except for a day a week. Please check the list below to get more detailed information about it.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Paharika Express (719) Mon 09:16 09:43
Mahanagar Express (721) Sunday 13:56 14:20
Meghna Express (729) No 19:25 19:55

Feni To Nangalkot Train Ticket Price

After providing all the train schedules, I will present here the ticket price now which is also important for you. The lower ticket price is 45 BDT and the highest price is BDT 150 according to the seat categories. There are available more ticket price options. If you want to know these options, please follow the list below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 45
Shuvon Chair 50
First Seat 90
First Birth 110
Snigdha 115
AC 127
Ac Birth 150

I hope you read the article from beginning to end and could able to collect all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Feni to Nangalkot train route. Now come to the comment box to inform your opinion. If you want to know more information, please visit our other pages or leave a comment. Thank you.