Intercity Trains

Egarosindhur Godhuli Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Egarosindhur Godhuli is an intercity train in Bangladesh. Mainly its travel on Dhaka to Kishoreganj and Kishoreganj to Dhaka. It is one of the Popular trains in Bangladesh. This train has many facilities. It has a flood zone, a pray zone, well toilets and first of all a good security system. You can make your journey comfortable and interesting with the Egarosindhur Godhuli.

Egarosindhur Godhuli Train Schedule

This train is run on Dhaka to Kishoreganj route. It starts the journey from Dhaka at 18:45 and arrives on Kishoreganj at 22:40. About 4 hours of time is needed for this trip. In the return trip the Egarosindhur Godhuli departures from Kishoreganj at 12:30 and arrive in Dhaka at 16:45. See the off day carefully.

Station Off Day Departure Arrival
Dhaka to Kishoreganj No 18:45 22:40
Kishoreganj to Dhaka Wed 12:30 16:45

Egarosindhur Godhuli Train Break Stations

Station Name Up Time (749) Down Time (750)
Biman Bandar 19:08 16:45
Narsingdi 19:53 15:25
Bhairab bazar 20:30 14:35
Kuliachor 21:09 14:10
Bajitpur 21:20 14:00
Sararchar 21:30 13:50
Manik khali 21:48 13:18
Gachihata 22:00 13:06

Egarosindhur Godhuli Train Ticket Price

The seat price of the train is not very high. The train has many kinds of seat category. Priced based on the seat category. There are seven category seats has in this train those are Shuvon, Shuvon chair, first seat, first berth, Snigdha, AC, AC berth. You can choose one category according to your choice.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 125
Shuvon Chair 150
First Seat 200
First Berth 300
Snigdha 288
AC 345
Ac Berth 518

Schedules That May Help You:

Kishoregonj To Dhaka Train Schedule And Ticket Price

Dhaka To Kishargonj Train Schedule And Ticket Price

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