You can travel easily from Dhaka To Saidpur by train. There are intercity trains and mail express trains available on the Dhaka To Saidpur route. Today we have detailed information about Dhaka To Saidpur Train Schedule With Ticket Price based on Bangladesh Railway. Let’s check it out.
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2 Intercity trains are available on the Dhaka To Saidpur route. And you can travel easily with intercity trains. Here we have the schedule of intercity trains of the Dhaka To Saidpur route. Let’s check those schedules below:
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Nilsagar Express (765) | Mon | 06:45 | 14:42 |
CHILAHATI EXPRESS (805) | Sat | 17:00 | 13:50 |
The train ticket price depends on the seat category. Even it’s cheaper than most other journeys made by bus. The ticket price of the Dhaka To Saidpur train has provided category-wise in the below table. Book a ticket depending on how much budget you have for your journey.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 560 |
Snigdha | 1070 |
AC | 1283 |
AC Birth | 1921 |
I hope your journey by train from the Dhaka To Saidpur station will be enjoyable. For more information, come back to our website again, or you can leave a comment below.