Train Schedule

Dhaka To Melanondo Bajar Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Maybe you want to travel from Dhaka to Melanondo by train and so you are here to get some essential information like the train schedules and ticket prices for the route. If I am yes, then you are at the right place. The distance from Dhaka to Melanondo is 189 km. For more information, keep reading it.

Dhaka To Melanondo Bajar Intercity Train Schedule

Intercity trains are comfortable and all the modern services are available on the train. Tista Express is the 2 intercity train that runs from Dhaka to Melanondo daily except Monday.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Tista Express (707) Monday 07:30 11:30
Brahmaputra Express (743) No 18:15 22:55

Dhaka To Melanondo Bajar Train Ticket Price

Besides, knowing the train schedules, you should know the train ticket prices of the route. So here I have arranged all the train ticket prices along with the seat categories in the following table. Have a look there.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 170
Shuvon Chair 205
First Seat 270
First Birth 405
Snigdha 386
AC 466
Ac Birth 693

All the in this article is from valid sources and based on the Bangladesh railway. So come to the site for any train-related information. Thank you.