Are you looking for Dhaka to Kuliarchar intercity train schedule? If yes, then you’re in the right place. Many people travel by train from Dhaka to Kuliarchar and search for the train schedule information every day. Still, most of them remain unable to know the right information.
For those people, today I will present here all the train schedules as well as ticket prices on the Dhaka to Kuliarchar route. If you are also among them, please keep reading the following article to find out the information.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Kuliarchar is one of the best and populous train routes in Bangladesh, and the distance between the two places is almost 101 km which is a long way. On the route have a total of three trains available, namely, Egarosindhur Provati (737), Egarosindhur Godhuli (749), Kishoreganj Express (781). I have already given here all the train schedules’ detailed information below. Please follow the table below to get the information.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Egarosindhur Provati (737) | Wed | 07:15 | 09:32 |
Egarosindhur Godhuli (749) | No | 18:45 | 21:09 |
Kishoreganj Express (781) | Fri | 10:30 | 12:54 |
Train ticket prices actually depend on the distance and seat categories. You know there is a long way from Dhaka to Kuliarchar, and the ticket prices are a bit high. The lowest price is BDT 100, and the highest price is 409 according to the seat categories. There are also more ticket price options. You can buy any ticket from the ticket counter according to your ability. Please, follow the table below to get all the ticket prices on this route.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 100 |
Shuvon Chair | 120 |
First Seat | 160 |
First Birth | 240 |
Snigdha | 230 |
AC | 276 |
Ac Birth | 409 |
I have finished the article just now. If you want to know any train schedule information on any route in Bangladesh, please visit our website or leave a comment. Thank you for staying with the page. Please keep connected with the site to get the next updates.