202There are many people who travel from Dhaka to Islampur Bazar by train and before traveling they search for the train schedules and ticket prices for the route. But it is very hard to find information in this way. So I have arranged all the train schedules and ticket prices for the route in order to minimize your suffering.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Islampur Bazar is a long-distance route and you have to pass 202 km for the trip. As it is a long-distance rouet, you will enjoy the journey of your travel by intercity train. Here I have collected all the intercity train schedules of the route.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Tista Express (707) | Mon | 07:30 | 11:48 |
Brahmaputra Express (743) | No | 18:15 | 23:11 |
For the trip, you will need not more than 5 hours and you will be able to travel such a route only Tk 180. There are also some more train ticket prices. All the information is given below.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 250 |
First Seat | 386 |
Snigdha | 478 |
AC | 575 |
That’s it about the article. Come back to the site again to get any train-related information. I always provide updated and information.