Train Schedule

Darshana To Nowapara Train Schedule With Ticket Price

There are lots of benefits of traveling by train. If you travel by train you never have to get stuck on the road for hours in the jam. Also, there is hardly an accident by train. Presently there are many train destinations. Darshana to Nowapara is one of them. The total distance from Darshana to Nowapara is about 124 km and there are available trains on the route.

Darshana To Nowapara Intercity Train Schedule

Intercity trains are available on Darshana to the Nowapara route. If you want to travel on the route, you will get four intercity trains. All the names of the intercity trains are given below. Also, you will get here on the off-day of the trains.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Kapotaskh Express (716) Fri 17:36 19:37
Sundarban Express (726) Wed 13:24 15:03
Rupsha Express (728) Thu 15:54 17:39
Simanta Express (748) Mon 01:40 03:27
Sagardari Express (762) Mon 09:23 23:27

Darshana To Nowapara Train Ticket Price

Though, From Darshana to Nowapara is one of the distance routes, the ticket prices are within the reach. Read the whole table carefully and collect what you need.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 120
Shuvon Chair 140
First Seat 190
Snigdha 235
AC 280

I hope you are now aware of everything about the topic. I assure you about all the information given above. Have a good journey. Thank you.