The train is prevalent from Darshana to Natore. The distance from Darshana to Natore is 159 km. Many people travel from Darshana to Natore for their daily activities. To travel from Darshana to Natore by train is very enjoyable and boring-free, so if you want to travel from Darshana to Natoreby train, then here the train schedule with the train ticket prices below.
Table of Contents
To go from Darshana to Natore, you first have to know the route’s train ticket price. Here, if you notice below, you will get a table with two trains schedule of Darshana to Natore route. Now read it.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thursday | 09:44 | 12:12 |
Simanta Express (747) | Monday | 23:37 | 02:20 |
The ticket price mainly based on the seat category and distance. With the increase of the distance, the ticket price will be high. So read it carefully.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 190 |
Snigdha | 363 |
AC | 432 |
AC Birth | 644 |
If you need more information about the topic, then let up inform or revisit the site. Have a good journey.