Train Schedule

Chuadanga To Jessore Train Schedule With Ticket Price

For people who want to travel by train but don’t know the exact and updated schedule of the Chuadanga to Jessore route train, this article is for them. Here is the detailed information about the Chuadanga to Jessore train schedule with the ticket price.

Do you want to travel from the Chuadanga to Jessore station by train? Trains are a suitable vehicle to travel on this route. Read the full article for information about the train schedule, ticket price, and other related details.

Chuadanga To Jessore Intercity Train Schedule

The train transport quality of the Chuadanga to Jessore is most improved now. This route has a total of 6 intercity trains available. All the trains run on this route at different depart times. You know the Intercity trains have some extra facilities that may make your trip more enjoyable.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Kapotaksha Express (716) Tuesday 17:00 18:46
Sundarban Express (726) Wednesday 14:41 16:20
Rupsha Express (728) Thursday 15:44 17:17
Simanta Express (748) Monday 01:21 02:51
Sagordari Express (762) Monday 09:16 10:48
Chitra Express (764) Monday 00:55 02:20

Chuadanga To Jessore Mail/Express Train Schedule

Besides the Intercity train, this route also has three Mail/Express trains that run at different depart times. The trains are Mohananda Express (16), Rocket Express (24), Nakshikantha Express (26). You can able to get a safe journey with these trains.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Mohananda Express (16) No 11:42 14:40
Rocket Express (24) No 19:54 22:25
Nakshikantha Express (26) No 17:41 20:00

Chuadanga To Jessore Train Ticket Price

Here you can know the train ticket price of the Chuadanga to Jessore route. The ticket price is cheaper than another journey cost. The ticket price of the Chuadanga to Jessore route train starts at BDT 80 for a Shuvon seat and ends at BDT 290 for an AC Birth.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 80
Shuvon Chair 100
1st Seat 130
1st Birth 195
Snigdha 160
AC Seat 195
AC Birth 290

The information I have collected from the official website of Bangladesh Railway. If you found any mistakes, please leave a comment before your trip must be aware of the safety issues. Thanks for visiting this site.