Train Schedule

Chilahati To Jamalgonj Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Chilahati to Jamalgonj is a distance of 139 km. Traveling by train is very popular and entertaining. The train has spread its range across almost all the country’s places to make the communication services easy and available. Now there are numerous destinations for the train. Chilahati to Jamalgonj is one of the train destinations. It is a very popular route.

Chilahati To Jamalgonj Intercity Train Schedule

If you want to travel from Chilahati to Jamalgonj by intercity train, this article is for you. If you notice below, you will find an intercity train schedule named Titumir Express (734). For the trip, you will need more than 3 hours.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Titumir Express (734) Wednesday 15:00 18:23

Chilahati To Jamalgonj Train Ticket Price

Train ticket prices are not so high as the other transports, and the ticket prices are based on Bangladesh Railway. There are various seat categories of a certain route.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 130
Shuvon Chair 155
First Seat 205
Snigdha 260

I hope you have got a clear conception of the topic. If you need any information on any train-related topic, then visit the site again. Stay safe.