Train Schedule

Brahmanbaria To Chittagong Train Schedule & Ticket Price

You can easily travel Brahmanbaria to Chittagong by train. Bangladesh Railway got two kinds of trains available in Brahmanbaria to the Chittagong route.

  • Intercity Train
  • Mail Express

Today we have Brahmanbaria To Chittagong Train Schedule And Ticket Price based on Bangladesh Railway. Let’s check it out :

Brahmanbaria To Chittagong Intercity Train Schedule

4 Intercity trains are available in Brahmanbaria To Chittagong route. And those intercity trains are full of luxurious features. Brahmanbaria To Chittagong Train Schedule :

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Mahanagar provati (704) No 09:43 13:35
Mahanagar Express (722) Sunday 23:32 03:30
Turna (742) No 01:16 05:15
CHATTALA Express (802) Fri 15:59 20:10

These trains got food cars, canteen, Namaz zone, First Aid zone, and many more features.

Brahmanbaria To Chittagong Mail Express Train Schedule

There are also three mail express trains available in Brahmanbaria to the Chittagong route. Let’s check those schedule below:

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Chittagong mail (02) No
Karnafuli (04) No
Mymensingh express (38) No
Chattala express (68) Tuesday

Mail express trains are not that luxurious like intercity. There are not many features available to you. And Mail express trains are not so fast like intercity. But mail express is not the wrong choice.

Brahmanbaria To Chittagong Train Ticket Price

The train ticket price depends on the seat category. Even it’s cheaper than most other journeys made by us. This is the complete list of Brahmanbaria to Chittagong trains ticket price :

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 195
Shuvon Chair 230
First Seat 310
First Birth 460
Snigdha 443
AC 529
Ac Birth 714

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Online Ticket Booking

If you want to buy train tickets online, then follow the link below. Bangladesh Official Railway site is providing tickets online to you.

Buy Tickets Online

To Know About Chittagong to Brahmanbaria train schedule and ticket price Click On the below Link:

Chittagong to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule And Ticket Prices