There is are many people who travel from Boralbridge to Joydebpur by train. For the journey, the train is the best. You never get bored and enjoy the journey from beginning to end. Boralbridge to Joydebpur is the busiest route with a distance of 219 KM. Do you want to travel from Boralbridge to Joydebpur, then here is the detailed information you need for your journey.
Table of Contents
Boralbridge to Joydebpur is a long way, and for such a route, the intercity train is the best. Presently, there are five intercity trains in operation on Boralbridge to Joydebpur route, and I have already added all the information in the table below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Lalmoni Express (752) | Friday | 15:33 | 18:40 |
Silkcity Express (754) | Sunday | 09:17 | 12:20 |
Padma Express (760) | Tuesday | 17:42 | 20:22 |
Chittra Express (763) | Sun | 14:09 | 17:08 |
Dhumketue Express (770) | Wed | 01:03 | 03:49 |
It is a way of three hours, and so the train ticket prices are relatively higher. But all the tickets are not the same there is a variety among them. Shuvon, Shuvon Chair is the cheap-rated seat category of the trains.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 195 |
Shuvon Chair | 230 |
First Seat | 305 |
First Birth | 460 |
Snigdha | 385 |
AC | 460 |
AC Birth | 690 |
Be careful and keep all the things close to you. I hope all the information will be helpful for you. Come to the site for any information.