Train Schedule

Bogra To B.B.East Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Bogra to B.B.East is a long-distance route, and the distance is 287 KM according to the Bangladesh Railway. Do you want to travel from Bogra to B.B East by train? Don’t worry. Here is the detailed information you need for the journey like the train schedules, ticket prices, and other information. So let’s get started.

Bogra To B.B.East Intercity Train Schedule

Foremost, I want to inform you Bogra to B.B.East intercity train schedules. The intercity train is available on the route, and you will be able to get two intercity trains named Lalmoni Express and Rangpur Express. You will need more than three and a half hours.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Lalmoni Express (752) Fri 12:54 17:01
Rangpur Express (772) Sunday 23:22 03:43

Bogra To B.B.East Train Ticket Price

The distance between Bogra to B.B, East is very high; the train ticket prices are costly. On the route, there are seven types of train ticket prices. Some of them are cheap, and some of them are costly.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 245
Shuvon Chair 290
First Seat 390
First Birth 580
Snigdha 485
AC 580
AC Birth 870

That’s all about the topic. I hope you have read the whole article from top to bottom and already collected all the information you need.