Train Schedule

Bheramara To Joypurhat Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Bheramara to Joypurhat is one of the well-known train destinations, and daily, many people travel from Bheramara to Joypurhat by train. So it is a busy route. Often many people search for information and ask us to be informed about the train schedule and the ticket prices of the route. This is why I have gathered detailed information about the train schedule and the train ticket prices for you.

Bheramara To Joypurhat Intercity Train Schedule

The intercity train is only the modern serviceable train in Bangladesh. All the services serve the intercity train on the way of the journey. The intercity trains are also in operation from Bheramara to the Joypurhat route. It will need about 3 hours. The rest information is given below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (727) Thursday 11:01 14:02
Simanta Express (747) Mon 00:55 03:51

Bheramara To Joypurhat Train Ticket Price

The ticket price mainly depends on what type of seat you want. Read the following table with two columns, one column for seat category and another for the ticket price. Choose one that fits you better.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 155
Shuvon Chair 185
First Seat 245
First Birth 370
Snigdha 310
AC 370
Ac Birth 555

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