Train Schedule

Bhairab Bazar To Nayapara Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Most people travel from Bhairab to Nayapara by train, so they look for the train schedule and the ticket price. Are you searching for information about Bhairab Bazar to the Nayapara train schedule with ticket prices? Don’t worry. Today I am here with lots of information related to the topic. Here you will be able to get all the information related to the topic. So let’s get started.

Bhairab Bazar To Nayapara Intercity Train Schedule

There is an intercity train from Bhairab Bazar to Nayapara, and I have arranged here a schedule of the intercity train. If you notice below, you will find that you will find a train schedule named Parabat Express  (709) that has an off-day on Tuesday. Remain information is in the following table.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Parabat Express (709) Tuesday 08:06 09:30

Bhairab Bazar To Nayapara Ticket Price

There is a total of seven categories of ticket prices given here that depends on the seat category. Among them, Shuvon is the lowest category. On the contrary, Ac Birth is the high-level seat category. For the lowest category of seats, you have to pay 95 Tk. for a single seat. The rest information is arranged below in the box.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 95
Shuvon Chair 115
First Seat 155
First Birth 230
Snigdha 219
AC 265
Ac Birth 397

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