The train makes the communication service easy and enjoyable. You never get bored while traveling by train. Presently there are many train destinations. Among them, Bhairab Bazar to Laksam is very notable. Do you want to know the train schedules and ticket prices of Bhairab Bazar to Laksam? then keep your eyes below and collect all the information you need.
Table of Contents
The distance from Bhairab Bazar to Laksam is only 130 KM and on the route, there are 6 intercity trains named Mohanagar Provati Express (704), Upakul express, Mohanagar Express, Turna Express, and Bijoy Express. Some of them have off-day.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mohanagar Godhuli (704) | No | 09:19 | 11:15 |
Upakul Express (712) | Tue | 16:52 | 19:03 |
Mahanagar Express (722) | Sunday | 23:03 | 01:10 |
Turna Express (742) | No | 00:52 | 02:57 |
Bijoy Express (786) | Tuesday | 00:42 | 02:37 |
CHATTALA EXPRESS (802) | Fri | 15:35 | 17:45 |
Bhairab Bazar to Laksam train ticket prices is available here in the below table. I have arranged here all the train ticket prices with the seat categories so that you can choose the seat you deserve.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 125 |
Shuvon Chair | 150 |
First Seat | 195 |
First Birth | 295 |
Snigdha | 282 |
AC | 340 |
AC Birth | 506 |
I hope you are pleased to get all the information from this article. Here I have arranged all the information from some authentic sources. Have a good journey.