Bhairab Bazar is a part of the Kishoreganj district, and Hasanpur is a part of the Jessore district. The distance from Bhairab Bazar to Hasanpur is almost 148 km by train. If you plan to travel from Bhairab Bazar to Hasanpur, then the post is more suitable for you. I will provide here all the train schedules and ticket prices successively. Stay with me until the end if you are interested in it.
Table of Contents
In the Bhairab Bazar to the Hasanpur route, there has only one train. The express’s name is Chattala Express (68), which regularly runs a weed except for Tuesday. The departure of the train is 14.58 and the arrival is 18.25. Please look at the list below to get this information.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Chattala Express (68) | Tuesday | 14:58 | 18:25 |
On the Bhairab Bazar to Hasanpur route, the ticket price starts from 135 BDT only for the Shuvon category, and the highest price is 564 for the AC Birth. There are available also more ticket price options for your convenience. Please take a look at the list below to get more about it.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 135 |
Shuvon Chair | 165 |
First Seat | 220 |
First Birth | 325 |
Snigdha | 311 |
AC | 374 |
Ac Birth | 564 |
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