Train Ticket

Bamondanga To Bogra Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Bamandanga to Bogra is about a long-distance route and one of the popular routes in Bangladesh. Many people travel from Bamondanga to Bogra by train to complete their daily activities. Foremost of the traveling, you should know the necessary information such as train schedule, ticket prices, and so other things for a better journey.

Bamondanga To Bogra Intercity Train Schedule

Bogra is 87 km far from Bamandanga, and if you want to travel from Bamondanga to Bogra, you will need about 3 hours. You should also know that four intercity trains run on the route. I have gathered here the whole schedules of the trains.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Karutoa Express (714) Wed 19:50 21:45
Lalmoni Express (752) Fri 11:05 12:51
Rangpur Express (772) Sun 21:26 23:19

Bamondanga To Bogra Train Ticket Price

To make the journey recreational, you have to gain knowledge about the train ticket prices. If you are a passenger of the Bamandanga to Bogra route, this table with the ticket prices is for you. Check the ticket price of all seat categories from the below table.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 85
Shuvon Chair 105
First Seat 140
First Birth 205
Snigdha 170
AC 205
Ac Birth 310

The information given below is based on the Bangladesh railway.  I think this article will be most helpful for you. For more information, stay connected with us.