Train Schedule

Azimnagar To Bonarpara Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Every day lots of people travel from Azimnagar to Bonarpara by various transports. But most of them travel by train, and this article is for them. Here you can know the train schedule as well as the ticket prices. All the information related to the topic is systematically arranged here to get all the information easily. So read the whole article carefully.

Azimnagar To Bonarpara Intercity Train Schedule

Here is an article was written on Azimnagar to Bonarpara intercity train schedule that helps you find the exact train and its departure and arrival time from Azimnagar to Bonarpara. Lalmoni Express (751) is only the intercity train, and Friday is its off-day.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Lalmoni Express (751) Fri 02:03 05:21

Azimnagar To Bonarpara Train Ticket Price

You know that cost ticket price is one of the best traits of train transportation. There are varieties quality of train ticket. Just read and choose one that suits you then best.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 140
Shuvon Chair 170
First Seat 255
First Birth 340
Snigdha 280
AC 340
AC Birth 505

Thanks for staying with us for so long. I hope you are pleased to read the article. If you need any information related to the train, visit our website. Here all the information is available.