The total distance from Akkelpur to Parbotipur is 79 km. It is one of the busiest routes and a great number of people travel from Akkelpur to Parbotipur by train. Most of them ask us to inform them about the train schedules and ticket prices. So today I am here with all the train schedules and ticket prices of the route.
Table of Contents
The intercity train is very modern and all the journey-related services are available on the intercity train. On Parbotipur to Akkelpur route, there are 8 intercity trains. To get the detailed information, keep reading the following table carefully.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (705) | No | 16:22 | 18:15 |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thursday | 13:47 | 15:05 |
Barendra Express (731) | Sunday | 17:52 | 19:25 |
Titumir Express (733) | Wednesday | 09:12 | 11:10 |
Simanta Express (747) | Mon | 03:37 | 05:00 |
Drutojan Express (757) | No | 01:52 | 03:25 |
Nilsagar Express (765) | Monday | 12:57 | 14:15 |
Banglabandha Express (803) | Friday | 22:52 | 01:35 |
The train ticket prices are very cheap but for the same distance, you may pay a good amount if you travel sitting on an AC or AC Birth seat.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 95 |
Snigdha | 179 |
AC | 213 |
All the information in this article is from some authentic sources and obviously based on Bangladesh Railway. Stay connected with us for more updates.