Train Schedule

Akkelpur To Parbatipur Train Schedule With Ticket Price

The total distance from Akkelpur to Parbotipur is 79 km. It is one of the busiest routes and a great number of people travel from Akkelpur to Parbotipur by train. Most of them ask us to inform them about the train schedules and ticket prices. So today I am here with all the train schedules and ticket prices of the route.

Akkelpur To Parbatipur Intercity Train Schedule With Ticket Price

The intercity train is very modern and all the journey-related services are available on the intercity train. On Parbotipur to Akkelpur route, there are 8 intercity trains. To get the detailed information, keep reading the following table carefully.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (705) No 16:22 18:15
Rupsha Express (727) Thursday 13:47 15:05
Barendra Express (731) Sunday 17:52 19:25
Titumir Express (733) Wednesday 09:12 11:10
Simanta Express (747) Mon 03:37 05:00
Drutojan Express (757) No 01:52 03:25
Nilsagar Express (765) Monday 12:57 14:15
Banglabandha Express (803) Friday 22:52 01:35

Akkelpur To Parbatipur Train Ticket Price

The train ticket prices are very cheap but for the same distance, you may pay a good amount if you travel sitting on an AC or AC Birth seat.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 95
Snigdha 179
AC 213

All the information in this article is from some authentic sources and obviously based on Bangladesh Railway. Stay connected with us for more updates.