Train Schedule

Akhaura To Nayapara Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Are you planning to travel from Akhaura to Nayapara by train? If the answer is, then the article is more suitable for you. Every day, many people travel from Akhaura to Nayapara, but most of them don’t know the train schedules. But today I am here with all the train schedules and ticket prices on the route. Please keep following the article if you want to collect the information.

Akhaura To Nayapara Intercity Train Schedule

The distance between the two places is almost 41 km. There is only one type of train available on the Akhaura to Nayapara route known as Paharika Express (719). Please follow the chart below to find out detailed information about the train schedule.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Paharika Express (719) Monday 11:35 12:28

Akhaura To Nayapara Train Ticket Price

I hope you got the detailed information about the train schedule on the Akhaura to Nayapara route from the list above. Now come to know the ticket prices, which is also important to know. I have already given here all the seat categories with ticket prices. Please follow the list below to get the information.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 45
Shuvon Chair 50
First Seat 90
First Birth 110
Snigdha 115
AC 127
Ac Birth 167

The article is going to be finished now. I tried to provide here all the correct and recently updated information. If you found any mistakes or if you think that I missed something in the article, please inform me through the comment section.