Train Schedule

Akhaura To Feni Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Thinking of traveling by train from Akhaura to Feni and looking for Akhaura to Feni intercity train schedule information? Yes, the post is suitable for you. Akhaura is an Upazila which is located in the Brahmanbaria district and Feni is a district, situated in the Chittagong division. The distance from Akhaura to Feni is almost 113 KM. I will discuss here all the train schedules with ticket prices on the route. Please stay with the article until the end if you are interested in it.

Akhaura To Feni Train Schedule

Akhaura to Feni route has almost 7 trains as for instant Mohanagar Provati (704), Paharika Express (720), Mohanagar Express (722), Udayan Express (724), Turna Express (742), Bijoy Express (786), and Chattala Express (68). Please continue reading to get more detailed information about the trains’ schedules from the table below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Mohanagar Provati (704) No 10:08 12:00
Paharika Express (720) Wed 15:25 17:24
Mahanagar Express (722) Sunday 23:58 01:53
Udayan Express (724) Sun 02:30 04:17
Turna Express (742) No 01:50 03:40
Bijoy Express (786) Tuesday 01:30 03:20
CHATTALA EXPRESS (802) Fri 16:27 18:33

Akhaura To Feni Train Ticket Price

I hope you got a complete idea about the train schedules on the Akhaura to Feni route from the list above. Now I will provide here the ticket prices of the trains. The ticket price is starting from BDT 110 and the highest price is 449 according to the seat categories. There are available more ticket price options. To get these options, please follow the list below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 135
First Seat 207
Snigdha 259
AC 305
AC Birth 460

After analyzing all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Akhaura to Feni route, I came to the final part of the article. Now come to inform your opinion after reading the whole article. I hope you got all the quested information from the article. If you want to get more related information, please visit our other pages or leave a comment. Thank you.